Wednesday, June 10, 2009

DePaul University YVC Fights for Workers Rights!

" Do you have a minute to support workers rights?"

This May Depaul Universities Youth Voter Collective was the first student group in Chicago to stand up for the Employee Free Choice Act. EFCA would make it easier for workers to form unions without employer intimidation, it would also make the process faster, and therefore more accecable to high turnover industries--like the ones young people work in! However, many young people don't know about EFCA, or about the benifits of forming labor unions. This action at Depaul a few weeks ago, should be happening at every college campus. The YVC let students know about EFCA and why they were out fighting for the right to build unions, and they were gathering signatures to let politicians know that students care about the issue at the same time. Email for any of the materials used at Depaul to organize the event, or check out the SLAP organizing guide available at .

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